Dušan Magdolen

Dr. Dušan Magdolen (* 1969)


2010–2022: director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

2001–2010: scientific secretary of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

1997: Egyptologist, Institute of Oriental Studies, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

1997 (PhD.): Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, Prague

1993 (M.A.): Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University, Bratislava


Subjects of research:

History, culture, religion, science and heritage of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Ancient Egyptian artifacts in the Slovak collections.

The Evolution of Civilization


Research projects:

Traditions and Innovations – a shaping factor of cultural diversity and development of civilizations (VEGA 2/0027/22)

The Reflection of Globalisation as a Society Phenomenon in Cultures of Africa, Asia and Oceania (VEGA 2/0028/18)

The Old Kingdom Sun Temples Project (Czech & Slovak Research Cooperation in Egyptology); http://suntemples.ff.cuni.cz (research centers: Institute of Oriental Studies of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic; Czech Institute of Egyptology of the Charles University, Czech Republic)

Slovak Research on ancient Egyptian Civilisation (APVV-0579-12)

History and Culture of ancient Egyptian Civilisation: an interdisciplinary research (VEGA 2/0139/14)

Globalization in the Asian and African Countries in the Confrontation with the Vision of the Harmonic World (VEGA 2/0141/12)

East–West: Cultural Diversity of Civilisation: the past, forms and evolutionary trends (VEGA 2/0153/09)

Nations and Cultures of Asia, Africa and the Pacific Area (VEGA 2/6095/26)

Slovak research on Oriental cultures: Oriental studies in Slovakia (internal project of the Institute of Oriental Studies)

Slovakia and Egypt – On the Beginnings of the Slovak Egyptology (Project VEGA No. 2/3113/23)


Archaeological missions and research:

2005 (Great Britain): London: The British Museum, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan; University College London, The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology; The British Library; Oxford: The Ashmolean Museum, The Griffith Institute

2004 (Egypt): Abusir: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University

2003 (Egypt): Abusir: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University

2000 (Great Britain): London: The Egypt Exploration Society

1997–1998 (Egypt): Abusir: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University

1995–1996 (Egypt): Abusir: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University



2024: City Museum, Bratislava

2019: University Library in Bratislava (UNESCO Centre)

2018: City Museum, Bratislava

2017: City Museum, Bratislava

2016: City Museum, Bratislava

2015: City Museum, Bratislava

2008: Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University, Bratislava

2003: City Museum, Bratislava

2003: Czech National Centre for Egyptology, Prague

2002: Czech National Centre for Egyptology, Prague

2002: City Museum, Bratislava

1999–2000: Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University, Bratislava

1999: City Museum, Bratislava

1998: Slovak Orientalistic Society, Bratislava


Selected scientific and popular publications:

2024: Some Notes on a Lower Part of a Seated Statue from Duweym Wad Haj (Sudan). In: Der Antike Sudan, MITTSAG, Heft 35, 2024, pp. 21–30.

2023: Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from the Ancient Egyptian Coffin (A 3219) at the Natural History Museum of the Slovak National Museum in Bratislava (Interior). Studia Orientalia Monographica, Volume 11. Bratislava: Slovak Academic Press, 2023, pp. 176. ISBN 978-80-8265-008-5;
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/2023.9788082650085.

2022: The Divine Protection of Merneby. In F. Coppens, J. Janák, K. Smoláriková (eds.), Knowledge and Memory : Festschrift in honour of Ladislav Bareš. – Prague : Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 2022, pp. 311-322.

2021: The Identification of the Title of Merneby on Ancient Egyptian Coffin from Bratislava. In Göttinger Miszellen, 2021, issue 263, pp. 97–107

2021: Záhady staroegyptskej rakvy v zbierkach SNM. In Svet Orientu včera a dnes, 2021, roč. III, č. 1, s. 21–26.

2021: Some Notes on an Epithet of Anubis from the Ancient Egyptian Coffin of Merneby in Bratislava. In Asian and African Studies, 2021, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 451–461.

2019: The Ancient Egyptian Coffin in the Slovak National Museum: The inscriptions on the interior surface of the trough. In Asian and African Studies, 2019, roč. 28, č. 2, pp. 270–331, 429–440.

2019: Človek v pohybe – dávne migrácie. In Svet Orientu včera a dnes, roč. 1, č. 1, 2019, p. 31.

2019: Genesis starovekého Egypta. In Svet Orientu včera a dnes, roč. 1, č. 1, 2019, pp. 37–43.

2018: The Ancient Egyptian Coffin in the Slovak National Museum: The inscriptions on the interior surface of the lid. In Asian and African Studies, 2018, roč. 27, č. 2, pp. 143–191, 263–273.

2018: Niekoľko poznámok k egyptologickým prepisom staroegyptských pojmov do slovenčiny. In A. Rácová, M. Bucková, J. Genzor (ed.), Ako prepisovať z orientálnych jazykov do slovenčiny. Praktická príručka. SAP, Bratislava 2018, pp. 65 – 71.

2017: The Ancient Egyptian Coffin in the Slovak National Museum: The fragments of the exterior surface of the lid nos. 1, 2 and 3. In Asian and African Studies, 2017, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 233 – 260.

2016: The Ancient Egyptian Coffin in the Slovak National Museum: The fragments of the exterior surface of the lid nos. 4, 5 and 6. In Asian and African Studies, 2016, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 145 – 162.

2016: The Identification of the Restored Parts of the Ancient Egyptian Coffin in the Slovak National Museum. In Bucková M., Rácová A. (eds.), Studia Orientalia Victori Krupa Dedicata, SAP: Bratislava 2016, pp. 126 –146.

2015: Asian and African Studies: Fifty Years of the Journal (1965 – 2015). Bratislava: Slovak Academic Press, 2015, 130 pages, ISBN 978-80-89607-42-6 (co-editors J. Genzor, J. Dobbersteinová).

2015: The Ancient Egyptian Coffin in the Slovak National Museum: the Decorative Motives on the Exterior Surface of the Pedestal. In: Asian and African Studies, 2015, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 233–246.

2014: On the Osiris Statuette from Trenčianske Bohuslavice in Slovakia. In: Cahiers Caribéens d’Egyptologie, no. 18, juin 2014, pp. 91–95.

2014: The Ancient Egyptian Coffin in the Slovak National Museum: The distribution of registers and inscriptions on the exterior surface. In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 23, no. 1,  2014, pp. 140–153

2013: The Ancient Egyptian Coffin in the Slovak National Museum: a Preliminary Research Report, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 22, no. 1, 2013, pp. 131-135.

2012: Drobná plastika egyptského boha Usira z Trenčianskych Bohuslavíc, In: G. Březinová, V. Varsík (eds.), Archeológia na prahu histórie. K životnému jubileu Karola Pietu. Archaeologica Slovaca Monographiae Communicationes, Tomus XIV, Nitra 2012, pp. 109 – 115 (co-authors R. Čambal, Z. Farkaš).

2012: Einige Bemerkungen zur Suche nach den verschollenen altägyptischen Sonnenheiligtümern der 5. Dynastie, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 21, no. 1, 2012, pp. 14–34.

2010: 50 rokov Ústavu orientalistiky Slovenskej akadémie vied. SAP, Bratislava 2010. 188 pages, ISBN 978-80-8095-073-6 (D. Magdolen a kolektív).

2010: Egyptológia, In: D. Magdolen a kolektív, 50 rokov Ústavu orientalistiky Slovenskej akadémie vied. SAP, Bratislava 2010, pp. 47–54

2010: Z histórie orientalistiky, In: D. Magdolen a kolektív, 50 rokov Ústavu orientalistiky Slovenskej akadémie vied. SAP, Bratislava 2010, pp. 7–18 (co-authors V. Krupa, K. Sorby)

2010: Four Ancient Egyptian Artefacts from a Private Collection in Slovakia. In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 19, no. 2, Bratislava 2010, pp. 367–387 (co-authors M. Soják, T. Štolcová, J. Mihályiová)

2010: Egyptological entriesá: Hor, Horachtej, Hordžedef, Horemachet, Horemheb, Horný Egypt, Horpachered, Horsematawej, Huni, Hyksósovia, Chaemwaset, Chafre, Champollion J. F., Chasechemwej, Chefrén, Cheops, Cheprer, Chnum, Chonsu, Chentejimenteju, Chufu, Ibis, Ičtawej, Imhotep, Isis, Iunu, In: Encyklopédia Beliana, vol. 6, Bratislava 2010, pp. 157, 158, 162, 163, 180, 186, 315, 379, 404, 420, 445, 479, 522, 532, 593, 613, 614, 621, 671

2009: Slnko, hviezdy a pyramídy: kozmologické aspekty orientovania v starovekom Egypte, In: J. Krejčí, L. Suková (eds.), Kapitoly z dějin egyptské archeoastronomie, Praha: Český egyptologický ústav FF UK, Praha 2009, 150 pages, ISBN 978-80-7308-258, pp. 24–42

2009: A New Investigation of the Symbol of Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshat, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 18, no. 2, Bratislava 2009, pp. 169–189

2008: Hmota–Život–Inteligencia: vznik, VEDA: Bratislava 2008, 350 pages, ISBN 978-80224-0956-8, (D. Magdolen et al.)

2008: Staroveký Egypt: zrod civilizácie, In: D. Magdolen et al., Hmota–Život–Inteligencia: vznik, VEDA: Bratislava 2008, pp. 183–224

2008: Úvod, In: D. Magdolen et al., Hmota–Život–Inteligencia: vznik, VEDA: Bratislava 2008, pp. 11–22

2008: Noch einmal zum “Ring um die Sonnenscheibe”, In: Göttinger Miszellen, Beiträge zur ägyptologischen Diskussion, Nr. 219, Göttingen 2008, pp. 49–65

2008: Lepsius no. XXV: a problem of typology, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 17, no. 2, Bratislava 2008, pp. 205–223

2008: Staroegyptské a východoázijské pamiatky v Mestskom múzeu Bratislava, In: Z. Francová (ed.): Múzeum mesta Bratislavy 1868–2008. Bratislava: MMB, 2008, pp. 241–249, (co-author M. Slobodník)

2007: Egyptological entries: Gardiner A., Geb, Gabal as-Silsila, Gíza, Hapi, Hathor, Hatšepsut, Hauhet, Hawára, Heh, Heka, Heket, Heluán, Hermes Trismegistos, Herakleopolis, Hetepheres, In: Encyklopédia Beliana, vol. 5, Bratislava 2007, pp. 43, 44, 65, 66, 168, 499, 530, 531, 533, 547, 548, 563, 571, 572, 587, 619, 606

2007: Charlotte Booth: The Hyksos Period in Egypt. Shire Egyptology 27, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 16, no. 2, Bratislava 2007, pp. 272–273, (review)

2007: An Ancient Egyptian Statuette from a Private Collection in Bratislava, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 16, no. 2, Bratislava 2007, pp. 229–248

2006: Research into Fifth Dynasty sun temples – past, present and future, In: M. Bárta (ed.): In: The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31 – June 4, 2004 . Praha 2006: Český egyptologický ústav; pp. 185–192 (co-author J. Krejčí)

2006: Abusírské sluneční chrámy a kult boha slunce v době Staré říše/Abusir Sun Temples and the Cult of the Sun God in the Time of the Old Kingdom, In: Benešovská, H., Vlčková, P. (eds.): Abusir – tajemství pouště a pyramid/Abusir – Secrets of the Desert and the Pyramids. Praha 2006: Náprstkovo muzeum; pp. 102–121 (co-author J. Krejčí)

2006: Cosmological Implications of the Old Kingdom Pyramid Orientation in Ancient Egypt, In: J. Genzor – M. Bucková (eds.): Favete Linguis. Studies in Honor of Viktor Krupa. Slovak Academic Press: Bratislava 2006, pp. 153–170

2006: Faraón, ktorému Boh zabil syna, In: História, vol. 6, no. 5 (september/október), Bratislava 2006, pp. 2–4

2006: Karl Ludwig Libay, Aegypten. Reisebilder aus dem Orient, Set Out: Praha 2006, 307 pp., ISBN 80-86277-50-X, (co-editor L. Storchová)

2006: Preface/Předmluva/Predhovor, In: D. Magdolen, L. Storchová (eds.): Karl Ludwig Libay, Aegypten. Reisebilder aus dem Orient, Set Out: Praha 2006, pp. 7–24

2006: The Development of the Sign of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshat Down to the End of the Old Kingdom: Analysis and Interpretation. Part Three, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, Bratislava 2006, pp. 55–72

2006: Niekoľko aspektov kráľovskej a náboženskej ideológie staroegyptského štátu v 3. tisícročí pred Kristom, In: A. Rácová (ed.), Štát a náboženstvo v Ázii a Afrike, SAP: Bratislava 2006, pp. 175–196

2006: Symboly slnečného boha, In: História, vol. 6, no. 1 (január/február), Bratislava 2006, pp. 2–3

2005: Egyptological entries: Elefantína, el-Káb, Erman A., Eset, Esna, Fajjúm, Faraón, Fénix, Fílé, In: Encyklopédia Beliana, vol. 4, Bratislava 2005, pp. 47, 82, 151, 163, 293–294, 312, 354, 397

2005: The Development of the Sign of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshat Down to the End of the Old Kingdom: Analysis and Interpretation. Part Two, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 14, no. 2, Bratislava 2005, pp. 196–227

2005: Veľká sfinga, In: História, vol. 5, no. 5 (september/október), Bratislava 2005, pp. 44–46

2005: The Development of the Sign of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshat Down to the End of the Old Kingdom: Analysis and Interpretation. Part One, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 14, no. 1, Bratislava 2005, pp. 45–55

2005: Zajímavosti ze země pyramid aneb 100 NEJ ze starého Egypta, Libri: Praha 2005, 414 pp., ISBN 80-7277-251-1, (co-author Jaromír Krejčí)

2004: The Seked: On Ancient Egyptian Mathematics and Astronomy, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, Bratislava 2004, pp. 134–140

2004: Orientovanie stavieb v starovekom Egypte, In: Vesmír, vol. 83, Praha 2004, p. 566

2004: Egyptské pyramídy – cesta k nesmrteľnosti, In: História, vol. 4, no. 3–4 (marec/apríl), Bratislava 2004, pp. 38–41

2004: Egyptológia a egyptologický výskum na Slovensku, In: D. Deák – M. Bucková (eds.): Ethnologia Actualis Slovaca 4, Trnava 2004, pp. 23–28

2003: A Cosmic Event in the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor, In: Discussions in Egyptology, no. 56, Oxford 2003, pp. 45–52

2003: Pozoruhodné formy katastrofizmu v poviedke O stroskotancovi, In: J. Mynářová (ed.), Pražské egyptologické studie II, Praha 2002, pp. 109–117

2003: Láska v tieni pyramíd, In: História, vol. 3, no. 4 (júl/august), Bratislava 2003, pp. 2–3

2003: Egyptské hieroglyfy – 5. lekcia, In: História, vol. 3, no. 2 (marec/apríl), Bratislava 2003, pp. 48–49

2003: Vynález boha Thowta, In: Quark, vol. IX, no. 3 (marec), Bratislava 2003, pp. 36–37

2003: Egyptské hieroglyfy – 4. lekcia, In: História, vol. 3, no. 1 (január/február), Bratislava 2003, pp. 46–47

2003: Egyptological entries,Čenej, Černý J., Dahšúr, Devätoro, démotické písmo, Den, Dendera, Dér el-Bahrí, Dér el-Medína, Dolný Egypt, Džed, Džer, Džedkare Isesi, Džoser, Edfu, egyptská história (starovek), egyptská architektúra a výtvarné umenie (starovek), egyptská literatúra (starovek), egyptská mytológia, egyptské náboženstvo (starovek), egyptské písmo (starovek), egyptské posvätné zvieratá, egyptológia, Egyptské múzeum v Káhire, In: Encyklopédia Beliana, vol. 3, Bratislava 2003, pp. 43, 53, 168, 287, 288–289, 304–305, 330, 473, 652, 653, 658, 672, 686–691, 693–696, 698, 699, 701–702

2003: Stephen Quirke: The Cult of Ra. Sun-worship in Ancient Egypt, London 2001, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 12, no. 2, Bratislava 2003, pp. 226–228 (review)

2003: Dieter Arnold: Temples of the Last Pharaohs, New York 1999, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 12, no. 2, Bratislava 2003, pp. 224–226

2002: Prvé kroky slovenskej egyptológie, In: J. Mynářová (ed.), Pražské egyptologické studie I, Praha 2002, pp. 152–156

2002: Two fragments of an ancient Egyptian statue in the City Museum Bratislava, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 11, no. 2, Bratislava 2002, pp. 147–160

2002: Egyptské hieroglyfy – 3. lekcia, In: História, vol. 2, no. 6 (november/december), Bratislava 2002, pp. 50–51

2002: Egyptské hieroglyfy – 2. lekcia, In: História, vol. 2, no. 5 (september/október), Bratislava 2002, pp. 50–51

2002: Egyptské hieroglyfy – dobrodružná cesta za poznaním, In: História, vol. 2, no. 4 (júl/august), Bratislava 2002, pp. 42–43

2002: Staroegyptské pamiatky očami Banskobystričana, In: História, vol. 2, no. 3 (máj/jún), Bratislava 2002, pp. 38–39

2002: Tajomstvá kráľovnej starého Egypta. Nefertiti vo svetle najnovších výskumov, In: História, vol. 2, no. 2 (marec/apríl), Bratislava 2002, pp. 2–3

2002: Objavovanie civilizácie starého Egypta, In: Múzeum, vol. XLVIII, no. 4, Bratislava 2002, pp. 130–132

2002: Colin Hope: Egyptian Pottery. Second Edition 2002. Shire Egyptology 5. In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 11, no. 1, Bratislava 2002, pp. 113–114, (review)

2001: An astronomical Inscription on the Berlin Merkhet, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, Bratislava 2001, pp. 80-87

2001: Stephen Quirke (ed.): The Temple in Ancient Egypt. New Discoveries and Recent Research, London 1997, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, Bratislava 2001, pp. 99–101, (review)

2001: Egyptology in Slovakia, In: Egyptian Archaeology, no. 18 (Spring), London 2001, p. 27

2001: Some notes on one graffito from the Mastaba of Ptahshepses at Abusir, In: Göttinger Miszellen, no. 182 (Beiträge zur ägyptologischen Diskussion), Göttingen 2001, pp. 87–96

2001: Egyptological entries, Belzoni G. B., benben, Beni Hassan, Berša, Bes, Bét Challáf, Bét el-Wálí, Borchardt L., Breasted J. H., Brugsch H. F. K., Bubastis, Carnarvon G. E. S. M. H., Carter H., In: Encyklopédia Beliana, vol. 2, Bratislava 2001, pp. 20, 25, 33, 63, 65, 70, 217, 291–292, 336, 347, 465, 471–472

2000: The solar origin of the “sacred triangle” in Ancient Egypt?, In: Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Band 28, Hamburg 2000, pp. 207–217

2000: On the Orientation of the Old Kingdom Royal Tombs, In: M. Bárta – J. Krejčí (eds.): Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2000, Archív orientální, Supplementa, IX, Oriental Institute: Praha 2000, pp. 491–498

1999: Thoth or Re-Harakhti?, In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, Bratislava 1999, pp. 202–205

1999: Marshall Clagett: Ancient Egyptian Science, Volume II: Calendar, Clocks, and Astronomy, Philadephia 1995, In: Archív Orientální, no. 67, Praha 1999, pp. 407–410 (review)

1999: Egyptological entries, Abú Ghuráb, Abú Rawáš, Abú Simbel, Abúsír, Abydos, Aha, Ahmose, ach, Achetaton, Achmim, Achnaton, Aj, Aker, Akša, Amduat, Amenemhet, Amenhotep, Amenofis, Amon, anch, Anchesenpaaton, Aniba, Anubis, Anukis, Apis, Apop, Apopis, Armant, Asjút, Asuán, Aton, Atum, Avaris, ba, balzamovanie, Bastet, In: Encyklopedia Beliana, vol. 1, Bratislava 1999, pp. 34, 35, 36, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 102, 112, 118, 198, 198–199, 217, 264, 265, 302–303, 308, 314, 379, 403, 421, 448, 451, 490–491, 515, 573, 642



Asian and African Studies (edtor-in-chief)

International Association of Egyptologists (member)

Slovak Oriental Society (member)

Slovak Archaeological Society (member)